
Don John of Austria or Passages from the History of the Sixteenth Century 1547-1578

STIRLING-MAXWELL, SIR WILLIAM. Don John of Austria or Passages from the History of the Sixteenth Century 1547-1578.

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250,00 € IVA incluído


Illustrated with numerous wood engravings. In two vols. London, Longmans, Green & Co, 1883. 4to (25,5 x 18 cm.) Vol. I: xix + 513 p. (Childhood of Don John of Austria / Youth of Don John of Austria, .... his first naval command, Fleets of the Sixteenth Century, Operations along the Spanish Coast, The Morisco Rebellion..., Close of the Morisco Rebellion ..., The War of 1570 between the Christian Naval Powers and the Turks ..., The War of the Holy League ..., Dissolution of the Holy League); Vol. II: xiii + 526 p. (Expedition to Tunis and Capture of the City ..., Account of the Troubles at Genoa ..., The Loss of Tunis and Goletta ..., Sketch of the History of the Netherlands ..., The Netherlands ..., Affairs of the Netherlands ..., Final Notices of Matters connected with Don John). Ilustrado con grabados al boj intercalados en texto, viñetas y letras capitulares; descripción detallada las ilustraciones. Corte superior dorado. Encuadernación media piel y puntas, nervios y ruedas doradas en lomo).

(Don Juan de Austria)

