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John Frederick LEWIS (1805-1876). Sketches and Drawings of the Alhambra. Londres, 1835 Sketches of Spain and Spanish Character. Londres 1836 MENDICANT MONKS (Monjes mendicantes)
John Frederick LEWIS (1805-1876). Sketches and Drawings of the Alhambra. Londres, 1835 Sketches of Spain and Spanish Character. Londres 1836 CONTRABANDISTAS
LEWIS, John F. (1805-1876). Sketches and Drawings of the Alhambra. Londres, 1835. Sketches of Spain and Spanish Character. Londres, 1836 CONTRABANDISTAS DE GAUCÍN SALIENDO DE GIBRALTAR
LEWIS, John F.(1805-1876). Sketches and Drawings of the Alhambra. Londres, 1835. Sketches of Spain and Spanish Character. Londres, 1836 CONTRABANDISTAS. ANDALUCÍA
ENGELMANN según BACLER D’ALBE.(1861-1824) (De la obra de Bacler d’Albe Souvenirs pittoresques de la campagne d´Espagne) DÉFILÉS D’ ESTRELLA DANS LA SIERRA MORENA
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