
Memoirs of the Kings of Spain of the House of Bourbon. From the Accession of Philip V. to the Death of Charles III

COXE, WILLIAM. Memoirs of the Kings of Spain of the House of Bourbon. From the Accession of Philip V. to the Death of Charles III. 1700 ... to ... 1788.

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400,00 € IVA incluído


In five volumes. Printed for Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown. 1815. 5 vol. 8vo (21,8 x 14 cm.) Vol. I: xxvii + 6h. (Advertisement / Contents / Genealogical Table of the Kings of Spain, from the Union of CASTILE and ARAGON to the Extinction of the AUSTRIAN Line / Claimants of the Spanish Succession) + 475 p. Historical Introduction / Genealogical Table of the Kings of Spain of the House of Borbon  + Memoirs: Philipp the Fifth. Vol. II: 2h. (Contents) + 396 p. Philipp the Fifth. Vol. III: 2h.+ 389 p. Philipp the Fifth / Louis (p.55-87) / Philipp the Fifth. Vol. IV: 2h. + 421 p. Ferdinand the Sixth / Charles the Third. Vol. V: 2h. + 393 p. Charles the Third / Florida Blanca /  Statistical Account of Spain + Index. Encuadernación plena piel con ruedas doradas en cubiertas y nervios, doble-tejuelo y hierros doradas en lomo; tapa delantera suelta en tres volúmenes. Exlibris.

