
Glic-Gamena Angel-Deod, or The Sports and Pastimes of the People of England

STRUTT, JOSEPH (1749-1802). Glic-Gamena Angel-Deod, or The Sports and Pastimes of the People of England: Including the rural and domestic recreations, May-games, mummeries, pageants, processions, and pompous spectacles, From the earliest Period to the present Time

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1 800,00 € IVA incluído


Illustrated by engravings selected from ancient paintings, In which are represented most of The Popular Diversions. London, T.Bensley, 1801. Primera edición. 4to (30 x 24 cm.). frontis + portada + ( l ) Introduction + (3 h) Contents + 301 p. y 39 grabados al cobre fuera de texto, tomados principalmente en manuscritos medievales. Book I: Rural Exercises practised by Persons of Rank (Hunting more ancient than Hawking ... / Hawking practised by the Nobility ... / Horse-racing known to the Saxons ... ). Book II: Rural Exercises generally practised (The English famous for their Skill in Archery ... / Slinging of Stones an ancient Art ... / Hand-ball an ancient Game ...). Book III: Pastimes usually exercised in Towns and Cities, or Places adjoining to them (Tournament a general Name for several Exercises ... / Ancient Plays called Miracles .../ The British Bards .../ The Joculator .../ Dancing, Tumbling, and Balancing .../ Animals, how tutored by the Jugglers .../ Ancient Specimens of Bowling ...). Book IV: Domestic Amusements of various Kinds; and Pastimes appropriated to particular Seasons (Secular Music fashionable ... / Sedentary Games ... / The Lord of Misrule said to be peculiar to the English ... / The popular Pastimes among the Men imitated by the Children ...). Encuadernación posterior en tela y lomo en piel con  nervios.

