
Old England: A Pictorial Museum of Regal, Ecclesiastical, Municipal, Baronial and Popular Antiquities

KNIGHT, Charles (1791-1873) (Editor & Publisher)

Old England: A Pictorial Museum of Regal, Ecclesiastical, Municipal, Baronial and Popular Antiquities

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480,00 € IVA incluído


In Two Volumes. London: James Sangster and Co., undated (ca. 1864).

Encuadernación original  tela, título y decoración (motivos arquitectónicos) dorados en cubierta y lomo, gofrado en cubierta. Pérdida en extremos de lomo y esquinas. Folio (36 x 26 cm). Cortes dorados. 24 ilustraciones en color y unos 2.500 grabados al boj ilustrando todo tipo de antigüedad inglesa.

Vol. I – (iv) + 392 p. (Book I – IV, wood engravings & 12 illuminated engravings + index to the engravings).

Profusamente ilustrado con 12 cromolitografías de página entera y numerosas viñetas grabadas al boj. Pliego de dos hojas suelto. En 1ª hoja se describen varias cromolitografías. Book I: Before the Contest (British Period / Roman Period / Anglo-Saxon Period). Book II: The Period from the Norman Contest to the Death of King John. A.D. 1066 – 1216 (Regal and Baronial Antiquities / Ecclesiastical Antiquities / Popular Antiquities) Book III: The Period from the Ascension of Henry III to the End of the Reign of Richard II. A.D. 1216 – 1399 (Regal and Baronial Antiquities / Ecclesiastical Antiquities / Popular Antiquities). Book IV: The Period from the Ascension of Henry IV to the End of the Reign of Richard III. A.D. 1399 – 1485 (Regal and Baronial Antiquities / Ecclesiastical Antiquities / Popular Antiquities).

Vol. II – (v) + 404 p. (Book V –VIII, wood engravings & 12 illuminated engravings + index to the engravings + general index).

Profusamente ilustrado con 12 cromolitografías de página entera y numerosas viñetas grabadas al boj. Book V: The Period from the Ascension of Henry VII to the End of the Reign of Elizabeth. A.D. 1485 – 1603 (Antiquities of the Crown & the State / Ecclesiastical Antiquities / Popular Antiquities). Book VI: The Period from the Ascension of James I to the End of the Stuart Dynasty. A.D. 1603 – 1688 (Antiquities of the Crown & the State / Ecclesiastical Antiquities / Popular Antiquities). Book VII: The Period from the Revolution to the End of the Reign of George II. A.D. 1688 – 1760 (Antiquities of the Crown & the State / Popular Antiquities). Book VIII: A Glance at the Progress of Society for the last 100 years ( Discovery and Invention / History and Biography)

