
Paradise Lost. A Poem in Twelve Books


Paradise Lost. A Poem in Twelve Books

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265,00 € IVA incluído


The author JOHN MILTON. The Eight Edition. With notes of various authors by THOMAS NEWTON, D. D. In two volumes. Printed for W. Strahan et al., London, 1778 (MDCCLXXVIII). In English.

Encuadernación piel, con hierros dorados en lomo (falta tejuelo) y ruedas doradas en cubierta; bisagras agrietadas, desgaste en extremos del lomo y leve roce en esquinas. 8vo. ( 21,4 x 13,6 cm). 12 grabados fuera de texto (cada libro es precedido por una ilustración a plena página de F. Hayman grabado por J. S. Müller) y dos viñetas grabadas. Interior en buen estado.

Vol I: Exlibris (Frederick W. Disney). Engraved frontis (portrait of Milton). Title page; (22 p.) Dedication to the Right Honourable the Earl of Bath by Thomas Newton; Preface (with engraved vignette). + (lxxxvi) The Life of Milton + (26 p.) In Paradisum Amissam Summi Poetæ Johannis Miltoni by Samuel Barrow. On Paradise Lost by Andrew Marvel. The Verse. A critique upon the Paradise Lost by Mr. Addison (with engraved vignette). + 510 p. with six engravings (The First Book to The Sixth Book).

Vol II: Engraved b/w frontis (portrait of Milton -different from the one in Vol. I -); Title page. 447 p. with six engravings (The Seventh Book to The Twelfth Book) + Postscript by Thomas Newton + Index.

Each one of the twelve books is preceded by an engraved plate, by F. Hayman inv: et del: and J. S. Müller Sc.

