
Thornton’s Sporting Tour

THORTON, Colonel

A Sporting Tour Through Various Parts Of France, In The Year 1802

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1 400,00 € IVA incluído


Including a concise description of the Sporting Establishments, Mode of Hunting, and other field amusements as practised in that country. With General Observations On The Arts, Sciences, Agriculture, Husbandry and Commerce: Structures On The Customs And Manners Of The French People; With a View of the comparative advantages of Sporting in France and England. In a Series of Letters to the Right Hon the Earl of Darlington. To which is prefixed, an account of French Wolf-Hunting. By Colonel Thorton. In Two Volumes. For Longman, Hurst, Rees and Orme, 1806.

2 tomos en un volumen. (xvii) Frontis (retrato de Colonel Thornton con un halcón); portada con viñeta; portada vol. I; Contents to Vol I + (xix- xl) Wolf-Hunting in France, including the Natural History of the Wolf +(xli–lxvi) Observations to the Embellishments to Volume I (Plates 1 to 25 & vignettes) and II (Plates 1 to 26 & vignettes) + (p. 1–168) Volume I- (Sporting) Tour Through France (Letter I-XV) + Index + (xii) portada con viñeta de caza; portada Vol. II; Contents to Vol II + (p. 1-220) Volume II- (Sporting) Tour Through France (Letter XVI – XXXII) + (p. 221 – 260) Appendix + Index.

Encuadernación: piel, desgaste en esquinas y bordes. Ruedas doradas en cubierta. Hierros dorados y nervios en lomo, tejuelo con título en dorado. 4º (30,5 x 24 cm). Texto en buen estado, letra grande. Ilustrado con 51 grabados a la aguatinta y diversas viñetas al boj. Oxidación / moteo en los grabados. Retrato del autor en frontis + 25 plates (1 viñeta, 5 plegados) + 26 plates (6 plegados, uno es partitura musical, Plate V y XVI colocados en página distinta a la que aparece en índice, Plate XVI son dos grabados plegados de media página, Plate VIII son 2 grabados, Plate XXVI son 4 grabados en 3 hojas)


(tema: caza)

