A History of British Birds (tema: aves)
MACGILLIVRAY, William (1796–1852)
A History of British Birds
MACGILLIVRAY, William (1796–1852)
A History of British Birds
A History of British Birds, Indigenous And Migratory: including their Organization, Habits, and Relations; remarks on Classification and Nomenclature; an account of the Principal Organs of Birds, and Observations relative to Practical Ornithology. Illustrated by numerous engravings. By William Macgillivray, A.M., F.R.S.E. Professor of Natural History, and Lecturer on Botany, in Marischal College and Univerity, Aberdeen. Macgillivray’s British Birds: 5 vols.(1837-1852). Encuadernación en tela gofrada con alguna señal de desgaste en lomo, últimos 2 vol. no uniformes (vol. 1 a 3 color marrón; vol. 4 y 5 verde oscuro –en lomo, 1 y 2 –); 23,3x15,7 cm. Título en letras doradas y nervios en lomo, relieves ornamentales en cubierta. Interior en buen estado, ilustrado con 378 grabados al boj intercalados en texto y 29 grabados de anatomía (2 en perfecto estado, resto con moteo u oxidación leve o mancha de agua). Vol. 1 – 3: London, Printed for Scott, Webster and Geary, 1837 / 1839 / 1840. Vol. 4 & 5: London: William S. Orr and Co., 1852.
Vol. 1. Title page + (xv) Preface, Table of Contents, List of illustrative figures (9 plates + 95 woodcuts) + (p. 1–96) Introduction, Remarks on Classification and Nomenclature, Remarks on the Structure of Birds, Explanation of the Plates Illustrative of the Introduction + Plate I – V + (p. 97-620) History of British Birds: Order I. Rasores, Scrapers, or Gallinaceous Birds; Practical Ornithology (first lesson); II. Gemitores, Cooers, or Pigeons; Practical Ornithology (second lesson); III. Deglubitores, Huskers, or Conirostral Birds; Practical Ornithology (third lesson); VI. Vagatores, Wanderers, or Crows and Allied Genera; Practical Ornithology (fourth lesson) + (p. 620-624) Explanation of the Plates Illustrative of the Orders, Families and Genera + Plate VI – IX + (p. 625-631) Index.
Vol. 2. Title pages + (xii) Preface, Table of Contents, List of illustrative figures (plates X – XIII + woodcuts nº 96-185) + (p. 1-493) Essential characters of the order; Practical Ornithology (fith lesson); Order V: Cantatores, Songsters; Practical Ornithology (sixth lesson); (p. 493 - 496) Explanation of the Plates + Plates X – XIII + (p. 497-503) Index.
Vol. 3. Title pages + (xii) Preface, Table of Contents, List of Illustrative Figures (plates XIV – XXII + woodcuts nº 186 - 278) + (p. 1- 746) Essential Characters of the Order; Order VI. Reptatores, Creepers; Practical Ornithology (seventh lesson); VII. Scansores, Climbers; VIII. Cukoos, Cuculinae; Practical Ornithology (eight lesson); IX. Raptores, Plunderers, or Rapacious Birds; X. Excursores, Snatchers; Practical Ornithology (ninth lesson); XI. Volitatores, Gliders; Practical Ornithology (tenth lesson); XII. Jaculatores, Darters; Supplement; Appendix; (p. 747-752) Explanation of the Plates + Plates XIV–XXII + (p. 753-768) Index.
Vol. 4. Title pages + Dedicatory to the Queen + (xxviii) Preface, Appendix to the previous volumes + Table of Contents, List of Illustrative Figures (4 plates + 59 woodcuts) + (p. 1-700) Introductory Observations + History of British Birds: Order XIII. Cursores, or Runners; XIV: Tentatores, or Probers; XV. Aucupatores, or Stalkers; XVI. Latitores, or Skulkers + Explanation of the plates + Index.
Vol. 5. Title pages + Dedicatory to the Queen + (xx) Preface, Table of Contents, List of Illustrative Figures (3 plates + woodcuts nº 60-100), Explanation of the plates (presenta oxidación) + 3 plates + (668 p.) Introductory Observations + History of Birds: Order XVII. Cribratores, or Sifters; XVIII. Urinatores, or Divers; XIX. Mersatores, or Plungers + Index
(tema: aves)