
Picturesque America. A Pictorial Delineation ... DIVISION V

Picturesque America. A Pictorial Delineation Of The Mountains, Rivers, Lakes, Forests, Waterfalls, Shores, Cañons, Valleys, Cities, And Other Picturesque Features Of The North American Continent


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150,00 € IVA incluído


With Illustrations on Steel and Wood, by the Most Eminent Artists. DIVISION V. Published by Cassell, Petter, Galpin & Co. London. Ca 1872. Encuadernación dura de color rojo con extensa decoración dorada y letras doradas. Desgaste en esquinas y extremos del lomo. Dimensiones: 32,8 x 26 x 3 cm. Cortes dorados. Interior en muy buen estado salvo alguna mancha en el margen leve moteo en el primer grabado. Ejemplar copiosamente ilustrado con xilografías y con 8 grabados al acero, basados en las pinturas de algunos de los mejores paisajistas americanos del siglo XIX. 2 grabados al acero (Frontispiece + Title-page Picturesque America) + Portada + 6 grabados al acero en hoja gruesa, protegidos por papel cebolla + 134 p. de texto ilustrado con abundantes xilografías ( 21 de ellas a plena página). Publicado sólo para suscriptores. “THIS EDITION Is specially prepared for Subscription only, and is not obtainable through the general Booksellers.”

Descripción de los grabados al acero: - City of New York (Warren / Hall) (Frontispiece); - (Title-page Picturesque America); - West Point and the Highlands (Fenn / Hunt); - Mouth of the Moodna, on the Hudson (David Johnson / G.W. Wellstood); - Philadelphia from Belmont. West Park (Perkins / Hinshelwood); - Connecticut Valley from Mount Tom (Woodward / Hunt); - City of Baltimore (From Druid Hill Park) (Perkins / Hinshelwood); - The Catskills. Sunrise from South Mountain (Fenn / Hunt).

CONTENTS (capítulos): - HIGHLANDS AND PALISADES OF THE HUDSON . With illustrations by Harry Fenn; - PHILADELPHIA AND ITS SUBURBS . With illustrations by Granville Perkins; - SCENES IN NORTHERN NEW JERSEY . With illustrations by Jules Tavernier; - THE VALLEY OF CONNECTICUT . With illustrations by J. Douglas Woodward; - BALTIMORE AND ENVIRONS Illustrated by Granville Perkins; - THE CATSKILLS . With illustrations by Harry Fenn; - THE JUNIATA . With illustrations by Granville Perkins

