
Birds of Africa

AVELINE (1717-1760) / WHITE
Birds of Africa – 1. Nests of the Bird Kurbalot or Fisher, which are suspended over the Water / 2. The Aigret / 3. Bustard / 4. Numidian Damsel / 5. Royal Bird / 6. Monoceros of the River Gambia / 7. Guinea Hen / 8. African Swan

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50,00 € IVA incluído


Grabado al cobre, ca. 1778. Medidas grabado (huella): 29 x 16,5 cm; papel: 35,7 x 22,8 cm; leves arrugas, pequeña rasgadura (1 cm) restaurada en margen.  Engraved for Middleton’s Complete System of Geography
(tema aves de África / ornitología / birds / ornithology / ciencias naturales / zoología)

