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RACINE, JEAN. Oeuvres de Jean Racine
STRUTT, JOSEPH (1749-1802). Glic-Gamena Angel-Deod, or The Sports and Pastimes of the People of England : Including the rural and domestic recreations, May-games, mummeries, pageants, processions, and pompous spectacles, From the earliest Period to the present Time
P. PAPINIUS STATIUS. Publii Papinii Statii. Sylvarum Lib. V. Thebaidos Lib. XII. Achilleidos Lib. II. Obras del poeta latino PUBLIO PAPINIO ESTACIO: Silvas, Tebaida y Aquileida.
MONLAU, PEDRO FELIPE. Madrid en la mano, ó El amigo del forastero en Madrid y sus cercanias. 1850
(BUCHANAN). Spanish Poetry of the Golden Age -Poesía española de la Edad de Oro-
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