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PERGOLESI, Michelangelo. Escuela Italiana siglo XVIII 28 modelos de cascos ornamentados con motivos mitológicos, grabados al aguafuerte. Autor y fecha al pie del grabado: Pergolesi Invet. Scult. & Published according to Act of Parliament 27 Feb 1784
DOD (del) / PAJS (sculp) View of the storming and taking the Fort and Town of Fort Royal, in the Island of Martinico, by General Sir Charles Grey and Vice Admiral Sir John Jervis, March 24, 1794 (Tema marítimo)
J. PASS Engagement between the English and Dutch Fleets at the Mouth of the Thames, 1666 (Tema marítimo)
TROITZ-HALS (Museo de San Petersburgo) / CH. BAUDE Retrato de un Almirante
J. PASS Engagement between the English and Dutch Fleets, off the North Foreland, Sept. 28 1652
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