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NAPIER, General Sir William Francis Patrick. History of the War in the Peninsula and in the South of France, from the year 1807 to the year 1814 (Vol.I)
NAPIER, General Sir William Francis Patrick History of the War in the Peninsula and in the South of France, from the year 1807 to the year 1814 (Vol.II)
NAPIER, General Sir William Francis Patrick History of the War in the Peninsula and in the South of France, from the year 1807 to the year 1814 (Vol.III)
NAPIER, General Sir William Francis Patrick History of the War in the Peninsula and in the South of France, from the year 1807 to the year 1814 (Vol.IV)
M. ABEJÓN / F. ARROYO / C. CAMARERO / J. M. MORÁN La Europa de los Doce
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